Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Purdue Half Recap

Man, does feel awesome a post! This summer of friend/co-worker started running also. Not for just a 5K or 10K, O, NO a HALF MARATHON! She says you should run it with me. WHAT? At that point I thought there is no way I would be ready for 13.1 miles. I hadn't even ran my Fort4Fitness 10K yet. After Ashley had that put in my head, I thought to myself, "why couldn't I?" From then on, that's all I could think about. I was already training for the 10K right? So I registered and think my heart skipped a few beats as I clicked on that "submit" button. There, it was official, no backing out now.  I talked with a few seasoned runners and they gave me some websites for a free training program. It wasn't much different than what I was already doing except for the long runs on the weekends. I got in a couple ruts and a few family things  popped up. (Sister's wedding), Just wasn't feel it. Came the realization that I wasn't fueling myself properly nor getting enough rest. So after a great pep talk from one of my cousins (an IRONMAN himself), he reassured me and helped me get back on track.

So myself and 9 other ran the F4F, 2 fiends ran the 4 mile and 7 of us ran the 10K. My goal was 1:10 and finished in 1:03:55
 Accomplishing that 10K  felt so great. As I waiting for post race drink and food, and of course the "bling", I was thinking, "wow that was only half of a "Half" What am I getting myself into!

It is the week of  the race and any runner knows it's the hardest week. You taper, hydrate and carb up. The Sat before was my last long run, 11 miles. Thanks to my husband for water at mile 8. That run took me 2:13:31. I was ok with that time. I finished a short 3 mile on Monday and that was it. Now the nerves were setting in, questioning my self and my training, did I do enough?  My goal was just to finish in the up right position, but we did set a goal for 2:45.

Checked the forecast, looked great, till Friday, 80% chance RAIN and 40 degrees. There is no turning back now, we can do this.

Friday gets here and I usually go to Yoga. Felt good to relax, stretch and get in the zone. Kaylee came to watch the boys over night, got them all settled and Aaron and I headed to West Lafayette and got settled. (Thanks to his Aunt Linda for letting stay with her).

4:45 am wake up call seemed to come pretty early. Got up ate my breakfast, read a little bit of the newspaper, texted Ashley "Good Morning, this is the day we have worked for so hard for" and Yep it raining pretty good, and a bit chilly. The actual temp was perfect for a long run, and we stayed as dry as we could till we took off. 
Okay here we go!! The rain quit shortly into the run. Ashley and I had never ran together but we wanted to stick together for each-other. Which I am thankful we did. We ran VERY well together and we were keeping a pretty decent pace. I am normally 11 min or so she is a bit faster, But we felt good and continuously ran in the 10's for the first 7 miles. Then MILE 8 came, UGH, I wanted so bad to take a break not sure why, it's like I hit a wall. Nope she says, "we got this". We slowed our pace a bit, more to what I'm used to and ran 11-12 min miles for the remainder. Now let me tell you. Dewart Lake has hills and I run them, but W. Lafayette has HILLS! After hill, after hill, after hill.
My phone dies at mile 10.5, I knew it wouldn't last the whole time but I was hoping for a bit longer than it did.
 Aaron and Kevin were at mile 11, waiting to cheer us on, take some pics and catch everything I chucked at him. Phone, earbuds, gloves. So here I am at the toughest part of the run with, no app telling me my pace, time, NO MUSIC, which I could have really used. The prayers from every one of my friends and family got me through those last miles. I did have a GREAT surprise around 11.5 or so. My 2 cousins Courtney and Katie who both attend Purdue got up early and figured if they went towards the end of the course they would be sure to catch me. I was in my own world and happened to look over and there they were! After a quick hug and a'Thank You" shout, we kept on going. 
IT SEEMED LIKE FOREVER from 11.5-13. After a couple more hills, I started to feel nauseous, tried not to think about. Ashley needed pick up her pace, I said I was good and to go, I'd be right behind her.  
FINALLY I hear the music from the finish line and trying to hold it in (which if you know me at all, I am very emotional person) I proceed to hyperventilate and became so overwhelmed with emotion at what we just accomplished. 

 NEVER in a million years would I have thought I would or could run 13.1 miles. BUT WE DID!

Official Time
Ashley 2:30:36 
Me 2:31:17

Thanks for reading, hopefully this inspires one of you to accomplish something you want to do but are to nervous to try. You gotta start somewhere.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Life

Hi everyone!

Let me introduce myself, my name is Libby (aka Elizabeth). I have always grown up with the nickname but as I have gotten older I don't mind Elizabeth or "E" as my husband might say. So feel free to call me either.

I am married to my best friend, the strongest, most patient, supporative husband any women could ever ask for. We have been blessed with two AMAZING, ENERGETIC boys that are exactly 3 years and 2 days apart. (May is a CRAZY birthday month for our family). We have 5, yes I said 5, birthday's in one week. Makes for a great party.

I am a hairdresser of 19 and counting years. It is all I know and love every minute of this ever changing industry. I work with 14 other women and to some, that  might sound crazy and drama filled, but we try to avoid all the drama, I can't say it is not crazy at times, but that's what makes it so fun. We all work very well together and have become great friends. I work part-time, 3 days (sometimes 4) a week.
I worked full time up in till having Dewey (Dude as we call him) cutting back just enough to keep my clients but also having the time be a mom and do the "mom things".

With having Dewey in 2009 and Declan 2012 also came some unwanted weight gain and knew I had to do something about it. This is one reason that I decided to start this blog. If I have learned one thing from these boy is "Monkey See Monkey Do" and I want our boys to be energetic and healthy boys.

So this leads me to one the reasons I am here. 

In February of this year, when sitting in church (NWCOG) there was a announcement of a "Run For God" group starting. Wanting to connect and reach out into our church family I was curious. Thinking also, maybe this could be my jumpstart to a better me. (I haven't taking good care of my self  and really let myself go.)
The RFG program is a bible devotional and a 5K Challenge. You can read more about it here:
It just so happened that the class met on Thursday (sign #1), I had walked a few 5K's before (sign #2) no worries right? And I was out reaching and trying to meet new people and better myself. (sign #3) 
To make a long story short, it is a 12 week study and in order to complete it you must run a 5K and the end of the course. Right away I was very inspired with the lady teaching the class, (after I got over the anxiety of being there in the first place).  She herself was a one time was over weight and after a few changes in her life she decided to start running. The running part is laid out similar to the app C25K (Couch 2 5K) Now mind you we started in February and yes we ran outside all but 2 times and that was only due to a down pour of rain. After thinking my chest was going to start on fire, it kept getting easier each time out there. Now I will say I had my set backs. Think about it, my body was saying HELLO! "What in the world are we doing" and muscles were screaming LOUDLY. There were times I could not pump my chair up at work but I was determined and persevered through it. AND I MADE IT! I started the 5K in tears and finished it in tears. One of the proudest days! I think I have caught the "runners bug"
I will share with you A LOT of running posts, family things, whatever might be on my mind at the moment. I am also starting a new journey, so stick around around for more details to come.