Saturday, November 23, 2013

Last race of 2013

I knew I wanted to run a "turkey" race this year. With our holiday plans this year Nov 23, Turkey Lurkey, worked out the best for our family schedule. So as I got on the runkra website and found the date/website and just registered. I knew it was set to run in Winona, which I was very familiar with and that was it.

My routine was the same as usual, ate really well Thursday and Friday, went to bed early on Friday since I didn't sleep well AT ALL on Thursday. 

I was keeping an eye on the weather knowing it was going to be chilly but WOW!, heavy frost and 27 degrees. BRRR!

While eating my 2 eggs/toast and drinking my spark, I thought I'd look over the course map and see if the route was any different than what the Winona route usually is. UH, Hello, "challenging trail" run. I must have missed that part in registering. 

With it being so cold the boys ended up hanging with Dad this morning. I layered up and headed to Warsaw.
After arriving I checked in, got my bib and looked for my friends that I knew would be there. 
We had a runners meeting and a prayer (thank goodness). He mentioned again challenging route, be careful with the frost. O my! I thought. 

We took off, I felt great, headed towards familiar ground,then, BOOM, wooded bike trail, skinny, tree rooted, frosty leaves  trail. My first mile was good then....came hills, up and down, pretty rugged and for never running trails before, I kept my eye on the ground so I would stay up right. Trail went by the creek/river with a pretty good drop off, which made me a bit nervous. 
Here are my mile times:
I had a goal to finish out the year with a PR (personal record) for a 5K, but that didn't quite work out.  However, now I have a goal set for next years Turkey Lurkey, to beat 36:29.

My friends had a goal of finishing in 40:00 which they finished in 39:25!! Whooo!
Alyssa's turkey boxers took the cake! Too cute!! They enjoyed themselves and ran hard.

With December being so busy, this concludes my racing until next year. I'm already scheduled to run another half marathon May 3 (Indy) and maybe more than one. I want to run the F4F again and that would be either a 10K or a half. We will see.   

Remember just because it is cold out doesn't mean you have to workout inside. Dress for it and get out there!
Enjoy you Thankgiving! 

Thanks for reading. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Phase #1 Transformation

All throughout my childhood and into my 20's, I was always thin, never really watched what I ate. I wasn't overly active, played volleyball and worked a lot. My early 20's was just PURE STRESS. Without going into great detail, I was going through  a lot of stuff, plus I lost my mother in August of 2000. It was stress overload.

Then Aaron came in my life and I was so happy, enjoying life, a new life at that. 

I think the weight just started creeping up. I wasn't active at all except work and all I do is stand behind a chair. 

You know you are fat and unhappy with your looks when you are trying to find "before" pictures to show people the old/fat you. But aren't you lucky I was able to dig up a couple.
Random pics 2009-2010

May 2009, nine months pregnant I tipped the scale at 210 lbs. WOWZERS!! I had that " O I'm pregnant I can eat whatever or I'm eating for both of us". I gained 45 lbs with Dewey. I lost all of it plus some. ( I had a surgery to fix my acid reflux which I lived on broth for a month so that's how that weight came off.) 
August 2011

Then we got pregnant with Declan. I had a different mind set, was thinking before binging on junk and thought before I ate and still tipped the scale again May 2012, at 210 lbs. I had gained 50 honking pounds.
April 2012

After having the 2 most amazing blessings, I became a busy mom and always put everyone ahead of myself. That's what mom's do.

I stayed at 190 for quite awhile.
February 2013

December 2012

Then I started running. Let me tell you, I thought I was either going to die or never be able to move another muscle in by body. I couldn't even pump my hydraulic chair at work. My legs and body hadn't felt any movement like that in 20 years. But I persevered through it, completed the C25K(Couch to 5K) and ran completely, my first 5K.
Shorts size 16 eeek!
August 2013

I was also approached by my husband and one of his buddies that knew of Advocare. Which I'm not here to push it all, but I did the 24 day challenge, started hitting the gym and continuing with my running. I had lost 13 lbs in that 24 days. It was and is a total life change for me and fell in love with the products, and still use them today. But that's what works for me. 
I started cutting my portions big time.
My diet mainly consists of:
 protein( Fish, Chicken) & veggies
 carbs and fruit: before lunch 
 snacks: almonds, carrots and hummus
With my job, we don't have a "lunch break" so I do on occasion us a meal replacement shake.

I am proud to say that I have hit my first goal and weighed in this week at 157. I am down 33 lbs, just by watching what I eat, buying no junk(except Subway cookies and Starbucks), drinking tons of water and mainly right now just running and yoga.

The next phase to get stronger, keep racing and tone this momma up.

Stay tuned…...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Be "YOU"

I have been sitting here the last few days skimming through social media and surprised (ok not really) how many people are obsessing over other people.

I follow a few bloggers and many pages on FB and  a few on IG. Mainly to see what they are up to, projects they are working, kiddo updates, etc.
I may think someone's outfit is super cute, but I'm not going to go out and buy the exact same thing, put your own spin on things, find your own inspiration.

When it comes to working out and eating good, do what works for your body. No body is the same and we are not going to react the same way.

 I'm following a lady from Texas and her transformation and it is amazing, but she is working her tail off and sharing every bit of what she is doing and that's great but, that is what working for her. Someone asked her what brand of carrots she buys, REALLY a carrot is a carrot rather it is peeled and bagged for you or not. 
All I'm trying to say today, is be yourself. 

God created each and everyone of us to be different, how boring if we all looked the same and did everything everyone else does. 

Be yourself, be unique, and find what inspires you.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Perfect Timing

If you wait for the perfect time or perfect weather, it won't happen. There is no such thing. 
Get up and get out, no matter what  the conditions. You will feel so much better. 

I enjoyed (really I did) a rainy, windy 3 mile run this morning. People passing probably thought I was nuts, smiling all the way! 

Enjoy you day. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Hot Chocolate 15/5K Chicago

I've never seen so many people! 40,000 runners, plus volunteers and spectators = 75,000 + people.
We started by leaving Sat after I worked and after Aaron took the boys to G'ma & G'pa's (Thank you J & S). The boys loved the sleepover and did very well for the first time. 
We took my sister and her husband with us and made a nice overnight get away out if it. 
There was NO packet pick up on race day, so we had to be sure to get it Sat before 6pm. The McCormick Place was the place for the expo, got in and got what we needed and were off to the hotel.
We checked in, figured out a place to eat and hit the big city.
After a great dinner, window shopping and walking at least 3 miles, we headed back to try to get some sleep. I don't think anyone sleeps well the night before any race. 
I sent a text to my friends across the street that came up to run the 5K also. We met up in the morning and headed to our corrals. 
It started off a bit chilly, but actually perfect for a race. With so many people it took awhile to get going, but once we did it was great. Running downtown Chicago! Underground on Lower Wacker! It was very congested, people really need to read up on race etiquette, especially with that many people. But, it was good and we are only running for chocolate.

I like having my family out on the course to give you that extra push I need to get to the finish. They stood at mile marker 2 or so. Not sure, since I ran with only my iPod. It was different/odd not having my app running, not knowing my pace or where I was mile wise. But, I seemed free just to run and enjoy it. 
We all finished in good time.

We received our finishers mug with fondue, banana, wafers, pretzels, rice krispy treat and hot chocolate/marshmallow.
It was a lot of fun, and well organized. Looking forward to next year. This race is always in Nov for any of you wanting to run it. 

Thank you for reading!